Glossary for Multivariable Calculus with MATLAB
by Ronald L. Lipsman and Jonathan M. Rosenberg
Springer, 2017
This web page contains a list of MATLAB commands and options which
you may find useful in working on topics and problems in the book.
The descriptions of the comands are purposely kept very short.
Except when stated, all commands are part of MATLAB itself or the
Symbolic Math Toolbox (for symbolic operations).
For more information on the commands, see the
MATLAB documentation.
Better still, download the attached Live Script and run or modify
the sample commands in it to see what the various commands do.
MATLAB Punctuation
@ Creates a function handle or anonymous function
& Logical AND operator
| Logical OR operator
~ Logical NOT operator
= Assignment operator
== Operator for representing a symbolic equation
% Introduces a comment (not to be executed)
: Range operator
, Separates commands without suppressing output
; Suppresses output and can also be used to separate commands
' Used to deliminate a string
+ Addition operator, works on vectors also
- Subtraction operator, works on vectors also
* Multiplication operator
.* Vectorized multiplication operator
/ Division operator
./ Vectorized division operator
^ Exponentiation operator
.^ Vectorized exponentiation operator
. Decimal point, also operator for accessing fields of a structure array
... Line continuation operator (used to split a command
over more than one line)
MATLAB Constants
pi π
i The imaginary unit, if not overwritten by a variable name
inf ∞
MATLAB Commands
- abs
- The absolute value function
- acos
- The inverse cosine function
- asin
- The inverse sine function
- assume
- Set assumptions on a symbolic variable (e.g., real, positive, integer)
- atan
- The inverse tangent function
- atan2
- Finds the polar coordinate θ in terms of
y and x
- axis
- Selects the ranges of x and y
(also z if a 3D plot) to show in a plot
- clear
- Clears values and definitions for variables and functions. If you specify one or more variables, then only those variables are cleared.
- conj
- Complex conjugation
- copyobj
- Copy a graphics object
- cos
- The cosine function
- cosh
- The hyperbolic cosine function (ex +
- cross
- The cross product of two vectors
- curl
- The curl of a vector field
- det
- Computes the determinant of a square matrix
- diff
- Computes the derivative
- disp
- Displays the value of a variable or string. Useful
for formatting output
- divergence
- The divergence of a vector field
- dot
- The dot product of two vectors
- double
- Converts the (possibly symbolic) expression for a number
to a numerical (double-precision) value
- dsolve
- Symbolic differential equation solver
- edit
- Opens a script in the Editor
- eig
- Computes the eigenvalues of a square matrix
- erf
- The error function (integral of a Gaussian)
- exp
- The exponential function ex
- ezpolar
- Easy plotter in polar coordinates
- fcontour
- Plots the contour curves of a symbolic expression
- figure
- Start a new graphic
- fimplicit
- Produces a plot of an implicit equation
- fimplicit3
- Plots a contour surface of a symbolic expression
- fmesh
- Easy 3D mesh surface plotter
- fminbnd
- Find minimum of single-variable function on fixed
- fminsearch
- Searches numerically for a minimum of a function
of a single (possibly vector) variable
- fminunc
- In the Optimization Toolbox. Searches
for an unconstrained minimum of a function of several variables
- format
- Changes the format for displaying numbers
- fplot
- Easy function plotter
- fplot3
- Easy 3D plotter for curves in 3-space
- fsurf
- Easy 3D surface plotter
- fzero
- Finds (numerically) a zero of a function near a
given starting value
- gca
- Get current axes
- gcf
- Get current figure
- heaviside
- A step function that is +1 for x > 0
and 0 for x < 0
- hold on
- Retain current figure; combine new graph with previous one
- hold off
- Returns to the default where new figures overwrite old ones
- int
- Computes the integral (symbolically)
- integral
- Integrates numerically
- integral2
- Computes a numerical integral in two variables
- integral3
- Computes a numerical integral in three variables
- jacobian
- Finds the gradient of a function of several
variables. When applied to the symbolic expression for the gradient,
can be used to compute the Hessian
- laplacian
- Computes the Laplacian of a scalar field
- legend
- Attaches a legend to a combination of plots
- length
- Gets the dimension (number of entries) of a vector
- limit
- Computes the limit
- linspace
- Generates a linearly spaced vector
- log
- The natural logarithm
- loglog
- Log-log plotter
- logspace
- Generates a logarithmically spaced vector
- matlabFunction
- Converts a symbolic expression to a vectorized numerical function
- max
- Computes the maximum of the entries of a vector
- meshgrid
- Returns grid coordinates. Needed for quiver
- min
- Computes the minimum of the entries of a vector
- norm
- Norm of a vector or matrix
- ode45
- Numerical differential equation solver
- odeset
- Sets options for ode45
- ones
- Creates a matrix of all ones
- plot
- Basic plotting command for numerical data
- plot3
- Basic plotting command in 3D for numerical data
- polarplot
- Plots a curve in polar coordinates
- potential
- Computes a potential for a conservative vector field
- pretty
- Displays a symbolic expression in mathematical style
- quiver
- Plots vector field based on grid coordinates supplied by
- rand
- Generates a matrix of uniformly distributed
random numbers
- real
- Follows syms to insure variables are real. Also
gets the real part of a complex number
- series
- Computes a series expansion
- simplify
- Used to simplify a symbolic expression
- sin
- The sine function
- sinh
- The hyperbolic sine function (ex -
- size
- Gets the dimensions of a matrix
- solve
- Symbolic equation solver
- sqrt
- Square root function
- struct
- Creates a structure array
- subs
- Substitute for a variable in an expression
- syms
- Set up one or more symbolic variables
- symsum
- Finds the (symbolic) sum of a series
- tan
- The tangent function
- tanh
- The hyperbolic tangent function (ex -
e-x)/(ex + e-x)
- taylor
- Computes the Taylor polynomial;
use the optional argument Order to reset the order. Compare
series, which is similar but allows expansions involving
negative and fractional exponents.
- title
- Puts a title on a figure
- trace
- Sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix
- transpose
- Computes the transpose of a symbolic matrix
- vectorPotential
- Computes a vector
potential for a divergence-free vector field
- view
- Specifies a point from which to view a 3D graph
- vpasolve
- Finds numerical solutions to symbolic equations
- zeros
- Creates a matrix of all zeros
Options to MATLAB Commands
- AbsTol, RelTol
- Control error tolerances in numerical
commands like integral or ode45
- LevelList
- Specifies the contour levels for fcontour
- LineColor
- Specifies color of curves in a graph
- LineWidth
- Controls thickness of curves or contours in a graph
- MarkerSize
- Controls size of points in a graph
- MaxDegree
- An option to solve, giving the maximum
degree of polynomials for which MATLAB will try to find explicit
solution formulas
- MaxFunEvals
- Sets maximum number of function evaluations allowed in a computation or process
- Order
- An option to taylor and series,
specifying the number of terms to take in the series
- Steps
- An option to simplify, specifying the number of
simplification steps to try
- WayPoints
- Specifies specific points for evaluation of the function in integral