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Glossary, Differential Equations with MATLAB
Updated for MATLAB 2019a
This glossary is divided into the following sections:
- MATLAB Operators: the special symbols used by MATLAB,
- MATLAB Commands: commands that manipulate data or expressions, or that initiate a process,
- Built-in Functions: basic mathematical functions that can be evaluated or plotted,
- Graphics Commands: commands using in creating or modifying figures,
- Built-in Constants,
- MATLAB Programming: commands used for programming and structuring scripts,
- Simulink Blocks: the Simulink blocks most useful for the Simulink problems in this book. For a more extensive listing of Simulink blocks, see the Simulink documentation.
The distinction among these various categories, especially among commands and programming constructs, is somewhat artificial.
Each item is followed by a brief description of its effect and then (in most cases) one or more examples. To get more information on a command, you can use the help command or the Help Browser. This glossary is not a comprehensive list of MATLAB commands, but it includes the commands most useful for studying differential equations.
MATLAB Operators
- @
- Marker for a function handle, used to refer to a built-in function or to create an anonymous function.
- f = @(x, y) x.^2.*y + y.^2
- integral(@atan, 0, 1)
- \
- Left matrix division. X = A\B is the solution of A*X = B. Type help slash for more information.
- A = [1 0; 2 1]; B = [3; 5]; A\B
- /
- Ordinary division or right matrix division. Type help slash for more information.
- ./
- Element-by-element division of arrays. Type help rdivide for more information.
- *
- Scalar or matrix multiplication, depending on context. Type help mtimes for more information.
- .*
- Element-by-element multiplication of arrays. Type help times for more information.
- ^
- Scalar or matrix power, depending on context. Type help mpower for more information.
- .^
- Element-by-element power. Type help power for more information.
- :
- Range operator, used for defining vectors. Type help colon for more information.
- =
- Equal sign, used for an assignment.
- ==
- Double equal sign, used for defining an equation (to be solved).
- '
- Single quote mark, used for beginning and ending strings. Also used to denote the conjugate transpose of a matrix (see ctranspose).
- .'
- Denotes the transpose of a matrix (see also transpose).
- ;
- Suppresses output of a MATLAB command. Also used to separate rows of a matrix.
- X = 0:0.1:30;
- A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
- ...
- Line continuation operator. Cannot be used inside strings.
- 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 ...
- + 13 + 15 + 17
- ['This is a way to create very long strings ', ...
- 'that span more than one line. Note the ', ...
- 'square brackets.']
MATLAB Commands
- addpath
- Adds the specified directory to MATLAB's file search path.
- addpath('C:\my_mfiles')
- addpath C:\my_mfiles
- ans
- A variable holding the value of the most recent
unassigned output.
- bvp4c
- Boundary value problem solver. Usually requires use of bvpinit to set the "initial guess" argument. The example below solves and plots the solution of y''+y=0 with boundary values y(0)=0, y(π/2)=1.
- solinit = bvpinit((0:0.1:1)*pi/2, [1, 0]);
- sol = bvp4c(@(x, y) [y(2); -y(1)], ...
- @(ya, yb) [ya(1); yb(1) - 1], solinit);
- plot(sol.x, sol.y(1,:))
- cd
- Makes the specified directory the current (working) directory.
- cd C:\mydocs\mfiles
- clear
- Clears values and definitions for variables and functions. If you specify one or more variables, then only those variables are cleared.
- clear
- clear f, g
- collect
- Collects coefficients of powers of the specified symbolic variable in a given symbolic expression.
- syms x y, collect(x^2 - 2*x^2 + 3*x + x*y, x)
- conj
- Gives the complex conjugate of a complex number.
- conj(2 + 3*i)
- ctranspose
- Conjugate transpose of a matrix. Usually invoked with the ' operator. Equivalent to transpose for real matrices.
- A = [1 3 i]; A'
- deal
- Distributes its arguments to different variables.
- [r, t] = deal(sqrt(x^2 + y^2), atan2(y, x))
- delete
- Deletes a file from the disk.
- delete filename
- det
- The determinant of a matrix.
- det([1 3; 4 5])
- deval
- Evaluates a numerical solution to an ODE at
specified points.
- sol = ode45(@(t, y) t.*y, [0, 5], 1)
- deval(sol, 1)
- diff
- Symbolic differentiation operator (and difference operator).
- syms x; diff(x^3)
- syms x y; diff(x*y^2, y)
- dir
- Lists the files in a directory.
- disp
- Displays a string or the value of a variable.
- disp('The answer is:'), disp(a)
- doc
- Displays details about a specific command in the Help Browser.
- doc print
- double
- Gives a double precision value for either a numeric or
symbolic quantity. Applied to a string, double returns a vector
of ASCII codes for the characters in the string.
- z = sym('pi'); double(z)
- dsolve
- Symbolic ODE solver. The independent variable should be
a symbolic function. The options 'ExpansionPoint'
and 'Implicit' enable you to request series or
implicit solutions (MATLAB 2020a or later). See the
page Series for more details.
- syms t y(t); dsolve(diff(y,2) - t*y == 0)
- dsolve(diff(y) + y^2 == 0, y(0) == 1)
- syms x(t) y(t); [x, y]=dsolve(diff(x)==2*x + y,
- echo
- Turns on or off the echoing of commands inside scripts.
- edit
- Opens a script or live script in the Editor/Debugger.
- edit mymfile
- eig
- Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix.
- eig([2, 3; 4, 5])
- [e, v] = eig([1, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 1, 2, 4])
- end
- Last entry of a vector. (Also a programming construct.)
- v(end)
- v(3:end)
- eye
- The identity matrix of the specified size.
- factor
- Factors a polynomial or integer.
- syms x y; factor(x^4 - y^4)
- factor(1111)
- format
- Specifies the output format for numerical variables.
- format short
- format long
- fzero
- Tries to find a zero of the specified function
near a given starting point or on a specified interval.
- fzero(@cos, [-pi 0])
- help
- Asks for documentation for a MATLAB command. See also lookfor.
- help factor
- ilaplace
- Inverse Laplace Transform.
- syms s t; ilaplace(1/s, s, t)
- int
- Integration operator for both definite and indefinite integrals.
- syms x; int(1/(1 + x^2), x)
- syms x; int(exp(-x), x, 0, Inf)
- integral
- Numerical integrator. The input function must be "vectorized."
- integral(@(x) (1-x.^2).^(1/2), –1, 1)
- inv
- Inverse of a square matrix.
- inv([1 2; 3 5])
- jacobian
- Computes the Jacobian matrix, i.e., the matrix of partial derivatives with respect to the indicated variables.
- syms x y; jacobian([x^2*y y–x], [x y])
- laplace
- Computes the Laplace Transform.
- syms t s; laplace(t^5, t, s)
- length
- Returns the number of elements in a vector or string.
- length('abcde')
- limit
- Finds a two-sided limit, if it exists. Use right or left for one-sided limits.
- syms x; limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
- syms x; limit(1/x, x, Inf, 'left')
- load
- Loads Workspace variables from a disk file with a .mat suffix.
- load filename
- lookfor
- Searches for a specified string in the first line of all scripts found in the MATLAB path. Can be slow if many toolboxes are installed.
- lookfor ode
- matlabFunction
- Converts a symbolic expression to a vectorized function.
- syms x; f = matlabFunction(int(x^2))
- more
- Turns on (or off) page-by-page scrolling of MATLAB output. Use the space bar to advance to the next page, the ENTER or RETURN key to advance line-by-line, and q to abort the output.
- more on
- more off
- num2str
- Converts a number to a string. Useful in programming.
- constant = ['a' num2str(1)]
- ode45
- Numerical ODE solver for first order equations. See MATLAB's online help for ode45 for a list of other MATLAB ODE solvers.
- [t, y] = ode45(@(t, y) t^2 + y, [0 10], 1);
- plot(t, y)
- odeset
- Used to set options for ode45, such as Events, AbsTol, and RelTol.
- options = odeset('Events', @eventfile)
- ones
- Creates a matrix of ones.
- ones(3), ones(3,1)
- path
- Without an argument, displays the search path.
With an argument, sets the search path.
- pause
- Suspends execution of a script until the user presses a key.
- pretty
- Displays a symbolic expression in a more readable format.
- syms x y; expr = x/(x – 3)/(x + 2/y)
- pretty(expr)
- prod
- Multiplies elements of a vector.
- tenfactorial = prod(1:10)
- publish
- Runs the specified script and assembles input, comments, and output into a finished document in specified format. (The default is a web page, i.e., html format.)
- publish('mymfile', 'doc')
- pwd
- Shows the name of the current (working) directory.
- quit
- Terminates a MATLAB session.
- roots
- Finds the roots of a polynomial whose coefficients are given by the elements of the vector argument of roots.
- roots([1 1 -2])
- save
- Saves Workspace variables to a specified file. See load.
- save filename
- series
- Gives the first terms of a series expansion of a function.
Similarly to taylor, but more robust in that it will
give series involving fractional or negative exponents.
Will guess what the independent variable is if it is not specified.
- syms x; series(sin(x)^(1/2)*log(x), 'Order', 8)
- sim
- Runs a Simulink model. Specifying the time interval is optional.
- sim('mymodel', [0, 5])
- simplify
- Simplifies an algebraic expression.
- syms x; simplify((x+1)^2 - x^2)
- size
- Returns the number of rows and the number of columns in a matrix.
- A = [1 3 2; 4 1 5]
- [r, c] = size(A)
- solve
- Solves an algebraic equation. Will guess what the independent variable is if it is not specified.
- solve(x^2 + 3*x == 1)
- strcat
- Concatenates two or more strings.
- strcat('This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'long ', 'string')
- str2num
- Converts a string to a number. Useful in programming.
- constant = 'a7'
- index = str2num(constant(2))
- struct
- Used to create a ``structure.''
- x = struct; x.first = 'a'; x.second = 'b'; x
- subs
- Substitutes for parts of an expression.
- syms x y z; subs(x^3 – 4*x + 1, x, 2)
- subs(sin(x)^2 + cos(x), sin(x), z)
- sum
- Sums a vector, or sums the columns of a matrix.
- k = 1:10; sum(k)
- sym
- Creates a symbolic variable or number.
- pi = sym('pi')
- x = sym('x')
- constant = sym('1/2')
- syms
- Shortcut for creating symbolic variables or symbolic functions. The command syms x is equivalent to x = sym('x').
- syms x y(t) z
- symsum
- Evaluates a symbolic sum in closed form.
- syms x n; symsum(x^n/n, n, 1, inf)
- taylor
- Gives a Taylor polynomial approximation around a specified
point (default 0) of order one less than a specified order (the default is 6). Will guess
what the independent variable is if it is not specified.
- syms x; taylor(cos(x), 'Order', 8)
- taylor(exp(1/x), x, inf)
- transpose
- Transpose of a matrix. Converts a column vector to a row vector, and vice versa. Usually invoked with the .' operator. See also ctranspose.
- A = [1 3 4]
- A.'
- type
- Displays the contents of a specified file.
- type myfile.m
- vpa
- Evaluates an expression to the specified degree of accuracy using variable precision arithmetic.
- vpa('1/3', 20)
- whos
- Lists current information on all the variables in the Workspace.
- zeros
- Creates a matrix of zeros.
- zeros(10), zeros(1,10)
Built-in MATLAB Functions
- abs
- absolute value
- acos
- inverse cosine
- airy
- Airy functions; airy(0, x) and airy(2, x) are linearly independent solutions of Airy's equation
- asin
- inverse sine
- atan
- inverse tangent
- atan2
- atan2(y,x) is the polar coordinate θ of the point (x, y).
- besselj, bessely
- Bessel functions. besselj(n, x) and bessely(n, x) are linearly independent solutions of Bessel's equation of order n.
- cos
- cosine
- cosh
- hyperbolic cosine
- dirac
- the unit impulse "function"
- erf
- the error function, the integral from 0 to x of (2/√π)exp(−t2).
- exp
- the exponential function ex
- expm
- the matrix exponential function, defined like ex, but using matrix multiplication
- gamma
- the gamma function Γ(x) = ∫0∞tx−1e−tdt
- heaviside
- the unit step function
- hypergeom
- the generalized hypergeometric function, pFq(a;b;z)
- imag
- the imaginary part of a complex number
- log
- the natural logarithm
- real
- the real part of a complex number
- sin
- the sine
- sinh
- the hyperbolic sine
- sinint
- the sine integral ∫0x (sin t/t) dt
- sqrt
- the square root
- tan
- the tangent
- tanh
- the hyperbolic tangent
MATLAB Graphics Commands
- axis
- Sets axis scaling and appearance.
- axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) -- sets ranges for the axes.
- axis tight -- sets the axis limits to the full range of the data.
- axis equal -- makes the horizontal and vertical scales equal.
- axis square -- makes the axis box square.
- axis off -- hides the axes and tick marks.
- close
- Closes the current figure window; close all closes all figure windows.
- contour
- Plots the level curves of a function of two variables; usually used with the meshgrid command.
- [X, Y] = meshgrid(–3:0.1:3, –3:0.1:3);
- contour(X, Y, X.^2 – Y.^2)
- copyobj
- Copies a graphic so it can be pasted into another figure.
- h1 = fplot(@sin, [-pi, pi]); figure
- h2 = fplot(@cos, [-pi, pi], 'r');
- copyobj(h1, gca)
- fcontour
- Basic contour plot command for functions or
symbolic expressions of two variables.
- syms x y;
fcontour(sin(x)*cos(y), [-2*pi, 2*pi, -2*pi, 2*pi])
- figure
- Creates a new figure window.
- fimplicit
- Basic implicit plotting command.
- syms x y; fimplicit(y^2 == x^3 - x)
- fmesh
- Basic plotting command for functions of two variables.
- syms x y; fmesh(sin(x)*cos(y), [-2*pi, 2*pi, -2*pi, 2*pi])
- fplot
- Basic plotting command for functions or symbolic expressions.
- fplot(@(x) exp(–x.^2), [–5, 5])
- syms x; fplot(sin(x))
- gca
- Get current axes. Returns the identifier ("handle") of the
axes properties of the active figure window.
- gcf
- Get current figure. Returns the number of the active
figure window.
- ginput
- Gathers coordinates from a figure using the mouse (press the Enter or Return key to finish).
- [X, Y] = ginput
- gtext
- Places a text label using the mouse.
- gtext('Region of instability')
- hold
- Holds the current graph. Superimpose any new graphics generated by MATLAB on top of the current figure.
- hold on
- hold off
- legend
- Creates a legend for a figure.
- t = (0:0.1:2)*pi;
- plot(t, cos(t), t, sin(t))
- legend('cos(t)', 'sin(t)')
- meshgrid
- Creates a vector array that can be used as input to commands such as contour or quiver. Always follow by a semicolon.
- [X, Y] = meshgrid(0:0.1:1, 0:0.1:2);
- contour(X, Y, X.^2 + Y.^2)
- plot
- Plots vectors of data. Specifying the plot style is optional.
- X = [0:0.1:2];
- plot(X, X.^3)
- plot(X, X.^3), 'rx–', 'LineWidth', 2)
- plot3
- Creates 3-dimensional (line) plots.
- t = [0:0.1:30];
- plot3(t, t.*cos(t), t.*sin(t))
- print
- Sends the contents of the current figure window to the printer or to a file. With the –s option, prints the current Simulink model.
- print
- print –deps picture.eps
- print –s
- quiver
- Plots a vector field for a pair of functions of two variables. It takes numerical, rather than symbolic, data. It is often useful to normalize vectors so that they have length close to 1 and to scale them by a factor of about 1/2.
- [X, Y] = meshgrid(–2:0.2:2, –2:0.2:2);
- U = X.*(X – Y – 2); V = Y.*(–X + Y + 1);
- L = sqrt(1 + U.^2 + V.^2));
- quiver(X, Y, U./L, V./L, 0.5)
- set
- Sets a property of a figure window.
- set(gca, 'FontSize', 14)
- subplot
- Breaks the figure window into a grid of smaller plots.
- subplot(2, 2, 1), fplot(@(x) x.^2)
- subplot(2, 2, 2), fplot(@(x) x.^3)
- subplot(2, 2, 3), fplot(@(x) x.^4)
- subplot(2, 2, 4), fplot(@(x) x.^5)
- text
- Annotates a figure, by placing text at specified coordinates.
- text(x, y, 'string')
- title
- Assigns a title to the current figure window.
- title 'Nice Picture'
- xlabel
- Assigns a label to the horizontal coordinate axis.
- xlabel 'Year'
- ylabel
- Assigns a label to the vertical coordinate axis.
- ylabel 'Population'
- zoom
- Rescales a figure by a specified factor; zoom by itself
enables use of the mouse for zooming in or out.
- zoom
- zoom(4)
Built-in MATLAB Constants
- eulergamma
- the Euler γ constant, limn→∞(Σk=1n1/k) − ln n
- i
- the imaginary unit
- Inf
- ∞
- pi
- the number π
MATLAB Programming
- end
- Terminates an if, for, while, or switch statement.
- else
- Alternative in a conditional statement. See if.
- elseif
- Nested alternative in a conditional statement. See the online help for if.
- error
- Displays an error message and aborts execution of a script.
- for
- Repeats a block of expressions a specified number of times. Must be terminated by end.
- figure, hold on
- t = –1:0.05:1;
- for k = 0:10
- plot(t, t.^k)
- end
- function
- Always used at the top of a function script to define a new function.
- function y = myfunction(x)
- if
- Conditional execution of MATLAB statements. Must be terminated by end.
- if (x >= 0)
- sqrt(x)
- else
- error('Invalid input')
- end
- input
- Used in a script to prompt for user input.
- answer = input('Please enter [x, y] coordinates: ')
- isa
- Used in programs to check whether an object is of a given class (double, sym, etc.).
- isa(x, 'sym')
- keyboard
- Used in a script to return control to the keyboard. Useful for debugging.
- nargin
- In scripts, returns the number of arguments passed to the function.
- if (nargin > 2); error('Wrong number of arguments'); end
- warning
- Displays a warning message. Or can be used to suppress
warning messages.
- warning('Possible singularity')
- warning off
MATLAB has many other programming constructs, including while, switch, case, otherwise, break, nargout, and return.
Looking at MATLAB's built-in scripts is a good way to learn how to use these.
Useful Simulink Blocks
Continuous Library
- Integrator: the most important block for differential equations, computes the integral. Also used to set initial conditions.
Math Operations Library
- Sum, Add, Subtract: all can be used for addition and subtraction
- Gain: used to multiply by a constant
- Trigonometric Function: used for sin, cos, sinh, tan, etc.
- Sqrt: square root
- Abs: absolute value
- MinMax: takes min or max
- Polynomial: can compute any polynomial function
- Product: self-explanatory
- Divide: self-explanatory
- Math Function: can compute many mathematical functions, such as exp and log
Sources Library
- Clock: used to input the value of the time
- Constant: used to input a constant
- Sine Wave: used to input a trigonometric signal
- Step: used for a Heaviside function
- Ramp: used for a ramp signal (Heaviside × linear)
Sinks Library
- To Workspace: sends Simulink output back to MATLAB
- Scope: used for plotting a signal
- XY Graph: used for plotting one signal against another