A Guide to MATLAB
M-Files and MuPAD Notebooks
What follows is a roster of virtually all of the MATLAB M-Files and
MuPAD Notebooks that were developed and used in the production of the third
edition of A Guide to MATLAB. For the M-files (those that end in the
suffix .m), you may either left-click to see them (they are just text files)
or right-click to download them. For the MuPAD Notebooks, unless you have
configured your computer to recognize the .mn suffix, you will have to
right-click and download the file.
You should be able to run these files (in MATLAB and/or MuPAD) to see the
output and graphics, and execute the programs that appear in the book.
Finally, many of the files contain the MATLAB command:
print -deps figure.eps. These will print the current graphic window
as an encapsulated postscript file to a location on your current folder.
You can comment out these lines if you wish.
[Chapter M-Files]
We are always interested in ways to improve these pages. Feel free to
send constructive criticism to:
Brian Hunt
Ron Lipsman
Jon Rosenberg
Department of Mathematics
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742.